Character Build: Amelia Joy Erenstein

Born in December 2000, Amelia Joy Erenstein, the sixth child in the Erenstein family, is the one who walks the line between practicality and whimsy. She’s a mix of dreamy optimism and biting sarcasm, a combination that makes her both endearing and occasionally intimidating. Amelia is fiercely independent, with a creative streak that runs deep, but she’s never afraid to challenge her brothers when they get too comfortable with their own ideas. She’s the kind of person who can be lost in her own thoughts one minute and then drop a brutally honest comment that cuts through the room’s tension the next.

Amelia’s personality is multi-layered. She’s creative and sensitive, always thinking about how things could be rather than how they are. However, growing up with a bunch of brothers has toughened her up—she’s got a sharp wit and isn’t afraid to throw some shade when it’s needed. Amelia is the kind of person who quietly sketches in her notebook during family gatherings, but when she speaks, her words carry weight. She’s not the loudest Erenstein sibling, but she’s learned that quiet observation can be just as powerful.

She has a strong sense of justice, which means she often finds herself mediating the endless squabbles between her brothers—especially when they try to brush off her perspective. Despite this, she’s close with each of them in different ways, even if it means rolling her eyes through their ridiculous antics.

Creative to the Core
Amelia is an artist at heart, constantly drawing, painting, or working on some kind of creative project. She’s always been that way—ever since she was little, she’d spend hours alone in her room, turning everyday objects into art supplies. Even now, she carries a sketchbook with her everywhere, doodling during downtime and using her art as an outlet to express her emotions. She’s also into photography, capturing moments in nature or candid shots of her family when they’re not paying attention.

While her brothers have elaborate nicknames, Amelia’s is simpler: AJ. She’s not one for overly cutesy names, and her brothers learned quickly that if they tried to call her anything too ridiculous, she’d find a way to flip the script on them. The family still occasionally tries to get away with calling her “Miss Sunshine” due to her more optimistic outlook, but it’s usually said with a hint of teasing.

Style & Aesthetic
Amelia’s personal style is eclectic and artistic. She gravitates toward vintage clothes, oversized sweaters, and a mix of bold and soft colors that reflect her mood. One day she might be decked out in pastels, the next she’s in dark denim and boots. Her room is a reflection of her inner world—filled with plants, string lights, and walls covered in her artwork, Polaroids, and posters of her favorite bands.

Instagram Handle:

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Instagram Bio:
“Art in progress. 🎨 | Daydream believer | Quiet vibes, loud thoughts.”


  • Art Supplies: Amelia could get lost in an art supply store for hours. She’s always experimenting with different mediums—watercolors, charcoal, pastels—her room is practically a mini art studio.
  • Vintage Clothing: She has a knack for finding unique pieces at thrift stores, and her style reflects her creative, ever-changing nature.
  • Quiet Mornings: Amelia thrives on early mornings when the world is still quiet. She often takes her sketchbook outside to draw while the sun comes up, soaking in the peace before the day’s chaos hits.
  • Indie Music: Her playlists are filled with soft, emotional indie songs, the kind of music that pairs well with her introspective nature. She loves finding new, lesser-known artists and weaving their music into her creative process.
  • Coffee Shops: They’re her go-to places for thinking, sketching, and people-watching. She’s practically a fixture at the local café, where she sips on matcha lattes while sketching her surroundings.

Favorite Foods

  • Avocado Toast: A go-to favorite. Simple, but it’s all about the balance of textures and flavors for her.
  • Dark Chocolate: Amelia’s got a bit of a sweet tooth, but only for the more sophisticated stuff. None of that overly sugary chocolate for her—she prefers it bitter and rich.
  • Homemade Pasta: She loves cooking with fresh ingredients and making her own pasta from scratch on weekends. It’s something she picked up as a calming, hands-on hobby.
  • Berries: Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries—Amelia snacks on them constantly, whether they’re tossed into a salad or just eaten fresh.

Favorite Movies

  • Amélie: This whimsical French film about an eccentric woman navigating life in Paris resonates deeply with Amelia. She loves the artistic visuals and the sense of quiet self-discovery.
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: The complex, emotional storyline and surreal visuals are exactly the kind of film Amelia likes to get lost in, especially when she’s feeling reflective.
  • The Secret Garden (1993): A favorite since childhood, it’s the movie she watches when she needs to reconnect with her inner child and remind herself of the magic in the world.
  • Lady Bird: The mix of sarcasm, heart, and a young woman finding her way through life speaks directly to her experience growing up in a big, often chaotic family.


  • Being Overlooked: As the quiet one in a loud family, Amelia’s biggest fear is that she’ll fade into the background and never truly be seen for who she is. She worries that her dreams and ambitions will be overshadowed by the louder personalities in her family, though she works hard to carve out her own space in the world.
  • Failure: Amelia dreams big, but with those dreams comes a deep fear of not living up to her own expectations. She’s terrified of putting her art out into the world and facing rejection or not being good enough. It’s something she’s always working through, even as she pushes herself to take more creative risks.

Dreams & Aspirations
Amelia’s biggest dream is to become a successful artist, but not necessarily in the traditional sense. She doesn’t want to be famous—she just wants her art to connect with people in a way that makes them feel seen. She’s always imagined having a small gallery or studio space where she can sell her work and maybe even teach art classes. She also dreams of traveling the world, drawing inspiration from new places and cultures, and using her creativity to leave a mark—however small—on the world around her.

Amelia in a Nutshell
Amelia is the quiet dreamer who brings a soft, thoughtful energy to the Erenstein family. She’s artistic, reflective, and incredibly self-aware, but she also has a sharp edge when it comes to protecting herself and standing up for what she believes in. Her creative spirit drives her, but underneath it all, she’s searching for a place where she truly belongs, where her art and voice can shine without being drowned out by the noise. With her blend of sensitivity and strength, Amelia is both the calming force and the quiet storm in the Erenstein family’s whirlwind.





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