My Muse and Memoirs

  • 2023: A Year Made of Magic

    I learned so much about myself in 2023. And so much about the type of person I wanted to be. In 2023, I pushed my body to the limits like never before. Weight training that I actually stuck to, lots of running and walking and journaling. A lot of therapy. There were a lot of…

  • Starved Rock. 5 Years.

    Starved Rock. 5 Years. <3

    September marked five years married to Dan. <3 We did something we’ve been dreaming about from before that, though–and got a cabin in the backwoods at Starved Rock for a little getaway. Hint: it was glorious. It was also the PERFECT time for it because we’ve had a lot of rain. And it did rain…

  • Rating Children’s Shows from the 2000s

    Rating Children’s Shows from the 2000s

    There is not a single cell in my being that wants to be an old person saying, “In my day…” but I swear kids shows were a whole different caliber in the early/mid-2000s. I thought it might be fun to reminisce a little bit and dig up some oldie Goldies. Maybe discover some more childhood…

  • Christian Influencer Starter Packs

    Christian Influencer Starter Packs

    I am a HUGE fan of brainstorming starter packs because I think it helps people express themselves in fun and creative ways. For example, here’s my starter pack: The basic starter pack includes a heated blanket, two signed Night Traveler records + a record player I can take on the go, a hot chai latte,…

  • LOTR Day 2023 (Lord of the Rings Trilogy Marathon)

    LOTR Day 2023 (Lord of the Rings Trilogy Marathon)

    Preparation for LOTR Day begins months in advance–and here’s why: The long and short of it is that LOTR day is a lot of eating, a lot of cooking, a lot of cleaning and preparation, choices about when to serve what and what to serve for each meal, as well as who is spending the…

  • AI/Imagination Character Build: Will Erenstein

    Brother to Rob, Will is the 5th oldest in the Erenstein clan. Let’s do a run-down:  James Willoughby – Dec. 1988Josa Marie – Feb. 1992Jedidiah “Jed” Henry – May 1993Robert Eric – March 24, 1996William “Will” Harris – Feb. 12th, 1998Amelia Joy – Dec. 2000Justin Blake – June 2002Daniel “Larry” Craig – Oct. 2004Grace Elizabeth…

  • Screaming at Tomatoes: Anger {Mis}Management

    One of the things I discovered about myself recently is that I am, in fact, codependent. :’) I would NEVER have labeled myself this way because I assumed that codependency was someone who never did anything and relied on other people to do everything for them. In truth, codependency can look like this, but for…

  • Random, Extremely Specific Niche Behaviors: A Ridiculousness Rating

    I’ve seen so many of these on TikTok at this point, that I 100% had to try it for myself. What are the most ridiculous niche behaviors that people have? What about that *I* have? Time to find out. People Who List Off Every Movie They Own Every Time You See Them Hey, Mr. Man…

  • AI/Imagination Character Build: Larry Erenstein

    Brother to Rob, Larry is the 8th oldest in the Erenstein clan. Let’s do a run-down: James Willoughby – Dec. 1988Josa Marie – Feb. 1992Jedidiah “Jed” Henry – May 1993Robert Eric – March 24, 1996William “Will” Harris – Feb. 12th, 1998Amelia Joy – Dec. 2000Justin Blake – June 2002Daniel “Larry” Craig – Oct. 2004Grace Elizabeth…

  • Childhood “Celebrity” Crushes: A Ridiculousness Ranking

    First: background. (And you already know how much I love providing background information). As stated in a previous post, crushes were illegal under the law of L*mbert. Okay, not really. But the reality was that having a crush was a punishable sin, and God would be very disappointed in me for waking the love nature…

Got any book recommendations?