Career Building From Nearly Nothing (Not a Guide)

Sometimes I really do have to take a step and appreciate how freaking FAR I have come??

I didn’t get a good education as a child. In fact, a lot of what I learned was picked up in books.

It’s honestly so humiliating for me to look back on texts and messages I sent to my best friends at 15, 16, even 17(!!!!) because I wasn’t using proper grammar–and it makes me cringe SO HARD now.

But that’s what makes my story so incredible, actually.

At the age of 17-18, I started back of the book indexing for some friends in my spare time. I hadn’t had a job before this and, as I mentioned, didn’t really have a lot of the language skills I really needed to do this job properly.

I started taking some of the language and grammar courses on Khan Academy to try and catch up, especially because at this point, I was really beginning to notice some of the key areas in which I was seriously lacking a proper education and wanted to make up ground.

Honestly, I think the most beneficial thing would be for more accountability here. Kids, especially those being raised in hyper-fundamentalist homes don’t really have the opportunity to fight for their education, and as a child I definitely wasn’t advocating for more school work (as much as I wish now that I had been), so I think a little more pressure on parents to do right by their children is very much needed.

But anyway, yes, that was my childhood, BUT–despite the lack of overall education in the classic subjects, can we just look at me NOW?

I’m over here nearly five years into my full-time work at a social media marketing agency, ghost-writing for Fortune 500 executives and copywriting for the likes of Hitachi and Samsung and Poizon and MIO and Kenwood and. Ugh.

Tears, y’all.

This? This is healing. And growing.

Did I mention I love my team?

*I* built this life. Nobody helped me get here. I didn’t get the easy way out. I didn’t even get an education, really! And yet here I am. And I am SO proud of what I’m building.

Onwards and upwards!






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