Category: Holidays and Events

  • 2023: A Year Made of Magic

    I learned so much about myself in 2023. And so much about the type of person I wanted to be. In 2023, I pushed my body to the limits like never before. Weight training that I actually stuck to, lots of running and walking and journaling. A lot of therapy. There were a lot of…

  • LOTR Day 2023 (Lord of the Rings Trilogy Marathon)

    LOTR Day 2023 (Lord of the Rings Trilogy Marathon)

    Preparation for LOTR Day begins months in advance–and here’s why: The long and short of it is that LOTR day is a lot of eating, a lot of cooking, a lot of cleaning and preparation, choices about when to serve what and what to serve for each meal, as well as who is spending the…