Category: Thoughts and Feels
Learning Me
People are complex. People are not one-dimensional. People are interesting. Plenty of people love to people-watch. And they do it because all three of the above statement are true. Sometimes I do it because I like to imagine the lives people are living outside of their morning coffee run where I’ve spotted them, or outside…
How “Biblical” Patriarchy Bleeds Into a Low View of Women
Having grown up in a Reformed Baptist/Fundamental Baptist circle, I often heard phrases like, “Wives, submit to your husbands,” “God created man to lead,” and “A woman’s place is in the home.” These ideas were woven into the religious fabric I was surrounded by, and at first, I didn’t think much of it. But as I got older, these so-called…
Screaming at Tomatoes: Anger {Mis}Management
One of the things I discovered about myself recently is that I am, in fact, codependent. :’) I would NEVER have labeled myself this way because I assumed that codependency was someone who never did anything and relied on other people to do everything for them. In truth, codependency can look like this, but for…